Apr 26, 2007

International School Contracts - annual flights?

Different international schools will offer you a range of teaching contract conditions. Decide what you’re willing to accept before you begin interviewing and make the right choice for your teaching career.

For example if you choose to move to a location far away from your family, you won’t want to spend all the money you’ve made to fly your whole family home each year for a visit. This is where annual flights home are a must for me when I am deciding what conditions I'm looking for.

Some of it's regional, international schools throughout Asia and the Middle East generally offer excellent conditions, including flights home. Schools in Europe are a lot more miserly when it comes to conditions, you'll be lucky if you get anything. But then, you do get to live and work in Europe!

Knowing what you’re looking for doesn’t mean that you will get it, but it will mean that you can make informed decisions based on what’s being offered. You will still need to be flexible because there is considerable diversity in contract conditions offered around the world.

International School Contracts - annual flights

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