Apr 2, 2007

Selecting the Best Fit International School For Your Family #1

Is the school out to make a profit?

There are a number of different kinds of international schools to choose from, some are run by a board and are not designed to make a profit, and others are run by an individual or company in order to make a profit. Some are not even true international schools in that they don't serve the expatriate communtiy, but rather they offer an English language curriculum to children from the host country and there may be a few international students sprinkled into the mix.

As a teacher you will be concerned that the school’s educational philosophy matches your own. As a parent you want to insure that your children’s education is the priority of the school, rather than the amount of money spent on educational materials and the effect that will have on the school’s owner’s profit.

It is possible for international schools to make a profit and provide good quality private education to the students, but they can be hard to find. There are some directors or owners of international schools that may be more interested in the financial benefits of running a school than the education benefits to the students.

Be aware, both as a prospective employee and as a parent.

Selecting the Best Fit International School

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